Going Bananas

It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything for Bones, so here’s a snippet from an unreleased chapter. Enjoy.

After dropping Jackie at school, Jim reluctantly made one last trip to his own campus, just to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything. At least he didn’t have to fight for a parking space this time.

Over the last four weeks of classes, Jim failed his students on a daily basis— and not in the sense he was accustomed to failing them. He enjoyed that, mostly. This, he didn’t. Each lecture was a dreaded exercise in neuroses, as he was unceasingly conscientious that each time his muscles moved his mouth, the bone in his jaw was simply abiding. Every time his finger pointed at a map, he saw that foreign soil interrupted by the bony penetrator. The door to his office no longer kept open, and he avoided advertising how often and long he actually was in there. He didn’t have many hiding spots after he’d surrendered the apartment lease.

Continue reading “Going Bananas”

Race On, Heart

Race On, Heart; you mustn’t wait.
Close on your heels, pain chases.
Never rest – living lies patient to catch you late.

Waste not a moment; fill each and every
With Ecstasy, self-Importance, and Belonging.
Have you done enough today? Enough –
In the morning you’ll fear it wasn’t:
Fear the day before wasted as the day ahead
As the life of days before, each of which
Won’t be among the number that remain.

Race On, Heart; and fuel your feet
With Candy, Cocaine, Caffeine,
Dopamine, Epinephrine, Amphetamine.

Stand as a boy on the prow of some ship,
Your daring face thrust into salt and spray.
Sail this image swiftly, outride truth:
That the strain grows rough and rougher,
While your sails are steadily becalming,
For behind the image, you are an old heart.

Race On, Heart, ahead of sleep
And its restive embrace, for rest is Idleness
And Laziness, a thieving Prison of waking needs.

And in the depths of that cell, worse awaits:
Recollections, Regrets, self-Evaluation,
And the cruelty and disappointment of dreams.
Or laying upon the covers, lest yourself find
– a moment of weakness – in the twilight of your mind
Your lonely lips searching for hers in the dark.

Bones: Arc Two Preview

The black waters were deceptively calm. Occasionally, ivory tinsel would betray the crest of an ebony swell. Aside from those, there were no other disturbances as far as the eye could see. As peaceful as it appeared, the Sea of Japan was cold enough to kill in February. Kimura Kotsuko was depending on it. Continue reading “Bones: Arc Two Preview”